Rangimoana Vol. 2 Songs and legends: Songs and Legends of New Zealand

Location:New Zealand / Aotearoa
Subject:Maori song; Maori dance; Maori life and culture
Length:22 minutes
Format:1/2 inch VHS
Year Released:1994
Director:Rangi Parker, Daniel Parker
Producer:Rangi Parker, Daniel Parker
Distributor:Rangimoana Productions, Ltd.
Library Code:UHM AV/C VIDEOTAPE 14924
Description:Opens with the traditional Welo welcome chant. Shows the men's Haka dance and the women's Ti ti torea stick game. Legends of Pania of the Reef, Hinemoa and Tutanekai told against the backdrop of New Zealand scenes.
Record No:1749
Resources: Distributors's List

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