Rewi's Last Stand [1940]

Location:New Zealand / Aotearoa
Subject:Feature; Maori; History
Length:57 minutes
Format:16mm, 35 mm
Year Released:1940
Director:Rudall Hayward
Distributor:Hayward Historical Film Trust
Library Code:NLNZ
Description:The sound version of Rewi's Last Stand, a remake of an earlier silent film made in 1925. Like the earlier version, the film is heavily indebted to the historian James Cowan and his account of the invasion of the Waikato by the British during the war of the 1860s. The film takes its name from the famous battle of Orakau when Rewi Maniapoto and his 300 supporters resisted the advance of over 2000 Imperial troops during a siege which lasted for three days. Around this Hayward wove a fictional love story between a settler, Robert Beaumont (Leo Pilcher), and Ariana (Ramai Te Miha), a young Maori woman. In English.
Record No:1778
Resources: Distributors's List

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