Sugar Plant Hunting in New Guinea

Location:Papua New Guinea
Length:2,336 feet
Format:Archival Film/1/2-inch VHS
Year Released:1930
Producer:Department of Agriculture
Distributor:Smithsonian HSFA
Library Code:Smithsonian HSFA 82.7.1
Description:Edited film and outtakes of a Department of Agriculture project to locate disease-resistant varieties of sugarcane in New Guinea using an airplane fitted with pontoons. Footage includes aerial views of coastal and highland villages; encounters with Papuans in dugout canoes; people being put through military drill by a local district officer; men's houses and their associated statuary art; and subsistence activities including preparing sac-sac, a tapioca staple made from the pith of the sago palm.
Record No:1979
Resources: Distributors's List

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