Te Urewera

Location:New Zealand / Aotearoa
Length:50 minutes
Year Released:1987
Series:Journeys in National Parks
Director:Barry Barclay
Producer:Neil Harraway, TVNZ Natural History Unit
Distributor:MCA: MIANZ
Library Code:
Description:The contemporary story of the Urewera National Park through the eyes of the Tuhoe people. They talk about their homeland in their own way, how they saw the bush -- a place rich in the spirits of near and distant ancestors, a place to gather medicines and a whole range of foods, a place of sacredness and sheer hard living. Covers how the government's decision to make the Urewera ranges into a National Park in the 1950s has threatened a traditional way of life by passing laws outlawing formerly accepted practises. With Peter Hayden and Tawini Rangihau.
Record No:2062
Resources: Distributors's List

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