The Transformed Isle: Barbarism to Christianity

Location:Solomon Islands
Subject:Religion; Christianity
Length:30 minutes
Format:1/2-inch VHS
Year Released:1920
Producer:Australian Religious Film Society
Distributor:Australian Religious Film Society
Library Code:UHM AV/C VIDEOTAPE 1940
Description:Subtitled A Genuine Portrayal of Yesterday and Today, the Story of Fifteen Years among the Head Hunters of the Island of Vella Lavella. Missionary film showing "improvements" and "advancements" in the lives of Solomon Islanders of Vella Lavella with the coming of Protestant missionaries. Contrasts the pagan period of warfare, head-hunting, and slavery with the seeming peace and prosperity evident after conversion to Christianity. Silent with captions.
Record No:2158
Resources: Distributors's List

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