A Mangrove Story

Location:Pacific; Fiji
Subject:Mangrove swamps; Oceania; Coastal ecology
Length:17 minutes
Format:1/2 inch VHS
Year Released:1999
Director:Dale Hermanson
Producer:Pasifika Communications
Distributor:Pasifika Communications
Library Code:UHM AV/C VIDEOTAPE 19076
Description:Produced for SPREP with funding assistance from AusAID. Written by Dale Hermanson and Lucille Apis-Overhoff. At the edge of a Pacific Island coastal community an elderly storyteller weaves a tale describing how the mangroves nurture marine life, protect the village from storms, provide food and traditional medicines. He explains how pollution, over-use and destruction are harmful.
Record No:2493
Resources: Distributors's List

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