Once Were Warriors

Location:New Zealand / Aotearoa
Subject:Maori; Social life and customs; Feature
Length:102 minutes
Format:1/2 inch VHS, DVD
Year Released:1995
Director:Lee Tamahori
Producer:Robin Scholes
Distributor:Facets; New Line Home Video
Library Code:UHM AV/C: VIDEOTAPE 12070, DVD 2327
Description:Released as motion picture in 1994. Based on the novel by Alan Duff. In a poor suburb of Auckland, Jake and Beth Heke live a life defined by drunken parties, unstable friendships, and confrontations with authorities. Jake, a complex man with a rascal's charm, is weighted down by a quick temper, alcoholism, and an evil streak of male entitlement. Beth's beauty has been scarred by broken dreams and Jake's beefy fists. Yet her inner strength and desire to save her family make her the solid center around which this story of tragedy and hope is constructed.
Record No:2508
Resources: Distributors's List

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