Wokabout Somil

Location:Papua New Guinea
Length:22 minutes
Format:1/2 inch VHS
Year Released:1993
Director:J Edward Milner
Producer:J Edward Milner
Distributor:Television Trust for the Environment; Pazifik-Informationsstelle
Library Code:
Description:Papua New GuineaÕs vast hectares of tropical forest are a powerful magnet fo rinternational logging companies. Edward MilnerÕs film highlights one sustainable alternative to large-scale industrial logging: the walk-about sawmill. Based fon the commonsense principle of taking the sawmill to the log, it allows local village communities to take regular timber harvests while leaving the forest intact. With increasing demand for the timber it porduces the Òwokabout somilÓ may benefit not only the village but the national economy too.
Record No:2697
Resources: Distributors's List

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