Malagan, Scultori del Tempo (Malagan: Carvers of the Time

Location:Kavieng, New Ireland, Papua New Guinea
Subject:Cultural performance; Malagan
Length:27 minutes
Format:16mm; 1/2-inch VHS-NTSC
Year Released:1993
Director:Susanna Francalanci; Guido C Pigliasco
Producer:RTI, Italy
Library Code:UHM AV/C VIDEOTAPE 12061
Description:Shows the Malagan Show held in Kavieng, New Ireland, in September 1993. Emphasis on the famous masks and carvings, with an interview with Hosea Linge, one of the last Malagan sculptors still working on the island. In Italian.
Record No:2740
Resources: Distributors's List

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