Measina Samoa: Stories of the Malu

Location:New Zealand and Samoa
Subject:Samoan tattoo; legend of the tatau (tattoo)
Length:11 minutes, 36 seconds
Format:BETA Sp; 1/2-inch VHS; DVD
Hue:Color; B&W
Year Released:2003
Director:Lisa Taouma
Producer:Lisa Taouma
Distributor:No distributor
Library Code:
Description:Illustratess the legend of tatau in Samoa, where it was believed that it was women who brought the knowledge of this ancient art form to the shores of Savaii. Stories of the female tatau, the malu, are told by five women from totally different backgrounds/ages and social circumstances, from a 97-year-old woman to a young NZ Samoan judge. The film features the song ÒTatauÓ as sung by Sarah-Jane AuÕvaa.
Record No:2766
Resources: Distributors's List

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