Kidscience: Islands in the Pacific

Location:Micronesia, American Samoa, Hawai`i
Subject:Geology, natural resources, lifestyles
Length:177 minutes
Format:1/2-inch VHS
Year Released:2001
Director:Patty Miller et al
Producer:Hawai`i State Department of Education and PREL (Pacific Resources for Education and Learning)
Library Code:UHM AV/C VIDEOTAPE 20802
Description:Originally broadcast on KidScience on satellite via Hawai`i Interactive Television System, University of Hawai`i. Three programs feature islands in Micronesia, American Samoa, and Hawai`i. Describes geology, natural resources, the impact of introduced species, cultural events, and island lifestyles. Encourages students to think about what life would be like on an island. 1: Island life; 2: The sustainable island; 3: Island challenges.
Record No:2866
Resources: Distributors's List

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