Location: | Pacific ocean |
Subject: | El Nino |
Length: | 51 minutes |
Format: | 1/2-inch VHS, DVD |
Hue: | color |
Year Released: | 2000 |
Series: | |
Director: | |
Producer: | |
Distributor: | Films for the Humanities & Sciences |
Library Code: | |
Description: | El Ni–o has impacted people globally for the past 15,000 years, causing storms, floods, fires, drought, disease, famine, and even the extinction of entire societies. In this program, experts from the National Center for Atmospheric Research, the Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, and elsewhere study the causes, impact, and implications of the dreaded natural cataclysm that is both a climatic and social phenomenon. High-tech El Ni–o surveillance, analysis of recent super-El Ni–os, and research into the extinction of PeruÕs ancient Moche people are featured, along with outstanding computer-modeled imaging and riveting archival footage. A Discovery Channel Production. |
Record No: | 3005 |
Resources: | Distributors's List |
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