Capitales du Pacifique (Capital Cities of the Pacific): Apia

Location:Apia, Samoa
Subject:Modernization, urbanization, social change
Length:52 minutes
Year Released:2003
Director:Thomas Roy-Laurent
Producer:Beta Production
Library Code:
Description:ÒLocated at the foot of its hills and bordered by the Pacific Ocean, Apia, Capital City of Western Samoa is a dynamic small city that brings together all the economic and administrative activities of the country. Capital city, but also the only city in Western Samoa, it is a small agglomeration composed of a dozen of villages urbanized in the past century. Today, 75,000 persons, half the population of Western Samoa, live and work there. On Beach Road, one of Apia's major streets, old wood frame houses, transformed today into museums or classy restaurants stand witnesses to the country's colonial era. The modern and impressive buildings, making up the business district, reflect a trend toward modernity that the Samoans have been following for some twenty years.Ó
Record No:3184
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