OLPC Laptops in Bekabeka

Location:Solomon Islands
Subject:Technology, education, globalization
Length:10 minutes
Year Released:2008
Director:Jari Kupiainen
Library Code:
Description:Solomon Islands has in recent years witnessed several information society projects aimed at connecting the islanders to global information networks. In the most recent such project, One Laptoop Per Child in Oceania (OLPC in Oceania), the Massachusetts Institute of Technology-designed Òhundred dollar laptopsÓ have been pilot tested in the western Solomons. Within the next few years, these laptops are expected to be distributed to as many 6-12 year-old children across the world as can be done. The documentary follows the first pilot tests and the user experiences of these laptops in the Bekabeka village on Gatokae Island.
Record No:3399
Resources: Distributors's List

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