Location: | Hawai`i |
Subject: | Migration, adaptation, acculturation |
Length: | ca. 50 minutes |
Format: | DVD |
Hue: | color |
Year Released: | 2008 |
Series: | |
Director: | |
Producer: | |
Distributor: | UHM Center for Pacific Islands Studies, www.hawaii.edu/cpis |
Library Code: | UHM AV/C DVD 7378 |
Description: | Session 8 of Micronesian Voices in Hawai`i Conference, Apr. 3-4, 2008, Imin Conference Center, Honolulu, Hawai`i. Taped by `řOlelo Community Television and broadcast in Oct. 2008. Benjamin Graham presents eight policy recommendations from the conference breakout groups. Representatives of the Governor of Hawai`i Linda Smith and Henry Olivarespond and speak about existing policies and issues. |
Record No: | 3415 |
Resources: | Distributors's List |
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