Location: | Samoa |
Subject: | Disabilities, human rights |
Length: | 35 minutes |
Format: | PAL-DVD |
Hue: | color |
Year Released: | 2004 |
Series: | |
Director: | |
Producer: | Galumalemana Steven Percival |
Distributor: | Paradigm Documentaries |
Library Code: | |
Description: | This two-part film explores human rightsissues facing persons with disabilitiesin Samoa. Lafulafu a tama seugogo isa Samoan proverb teaching the samemessage as ÒdonÕt judge a book by itscover.Ó Eight issues are highlighted by thefilmÕs narrator, Mr. Nofovaleane Mapusua,President of the National Council ofPersons with Disabilities. (In Samoan and English) |
Record No: | 3534 |
Resources: | Distributors's List |
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