Les as de coeur

Location:French Polynesia
Subject:Organ transplant, isolation
Length:53 minutes
Year Released:2010
Director:Jacques Navarro-Rovira
Library Code:
Description:Francis Gazeau, a recent heart transplant patient, lives in Rangiroa. He decides to spend a year alone on the uninhabited atoll Tahanea, a strong act to thank his donor and through him all donors and their families; a militant act to promote organ donation. Back and forth between, on the one side, the chronological story of his transplant told or commentated on by different protagonists and, on the other side, his experience of isolation in Tahanea where, filming himself, he narrates his everyday Robinson Crusoe life, exposing the thoughts of a condemned man, that the death of one has brought another back to life. (In French)
Record No:3596
Resources: Distributors's List

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