Compassionate Exile

Subject:leprosy; history; public health
Length:60 minutes
Format:1/2 inch VHS, PAL, NTSC
Year Released:1999
Director:Bob Madey and Larry Thomas
Producer:X-Isle Productions
Distributor:Larry Thomas, (, Literature and Language Department, University of the South Pacific
Library Code:UHM AV/C VIDEOTAPE 19722
Description:Compassionate Exile tells a story of the Makogai leprosarium in Fiji, which served much of the South Pacific from 1911 to 1969. The video follows the reminiscences of four subjects, three of whom were patients and one who was born on the island. It also uses archival documents. It crosses the disciplinary boundaries of history, sociology, medicine, public health, and religious studies.
Record No:371
Resources: Distributors's List

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