Location: | Papua New Guinea |
Subject: | Docu-drama; urban drift |
Length: | 59 minutes |
Format: | DVD; 1/2-inch VHS; PAL; 1/2-inch U-matic; 16mm |
Hue: | Color |
Year Released: | 1991 |
Series: | |
Director: | Les McLaren and Annie Stiven |
Producer: | Les McLaren |
Distributor: | Ronin Films; Facets |
Library Code: | UHM AV/C VIDEOTAPE 8674; NSWSL; NFVLS |
Description: | Stories from the squatter settlements that surround the city of Port Moresby in Papua New Guinea. The film follows Cowboy and Maria, who have left their villages for the city in the hope of finding a better way of life. Produced in association with the Australian Film Commission, the National Research Institute, and the ABC. |
Record No: | 401 |
Resources: | Distributors's List |
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