Crusade in the Pacific

Subject:World War II
Length:720 minutes
Format:1/2-inch VHS
Year Released:1986
Series:March of Time television
Producer:Time, Inc
Distributor:Embassy Home Entertainment; Barnes & Noble
Library Code:UHM AV/C VIDEOTAPE 797 v.1-6
Description:Videocassette release of the series. A historical account of the war in the Pacific with actual wartime footage. Six tapes: (1) The Pacific in Eruption, 115 minutes; (2) Independence and War, 130 minutes; (3) The Solomons and the Central Pacific, 115 minutes; (4) MacArthur and the War at Sea, 113 minutes; (5) The Battle of Iwo Jima and the A Bomb, 115 minutes; and ( 6) Postwar in the Pacific, 115 minutes.
Record No:412
Resources: Distributors's List

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