Em i Graun Blong Yumi: Popular Theatre and the Melanesian Environment

Location:Solomons Islands; Vanuatu; Papua New Guinea
Subject:Theatre; environmental issues
Length:59 minutes
Format:PAL; VHS
Year Released:
Distributor:CUSO; Pacific PeoplesŐ Partnership
Library Code:UHM AV/C VIDEOTAPE 20310
Description:Highlights the work of Sei! Akson Tim in Solomon Islands, Wan Smol Bag Theatre in Vanuatu, and Raun Isi Theatre with the National Theatre of Papua New Guinea. Environment is the key theme: in Vanuatu, a look at the endangered seabird; in Solomons and Papua New Guinea, theatre is used to bring a better understanding of the consequences of logging projects.
Record No:546
Resources: Distributors's List

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