Enga Film Project

Location:Papua New Guinea
Length:43,000 feet
Format:1/2-inch VHS
Year Released:1975
Director:Adam Kendon
Distributor:Smithsonian HSFA
Library Code:Smithsonian HSFA 84.7.1-11
Description:Research footage shot for analysis of interactional behavior by Adam Kendon in and around Kasapu in the Laigaipu Valley, Papua New Guinea. Includes Korpetesa Ceremonial Ground,, A Deaf GirlÕs Sign Language, Logg Pulling, Te Ceremony, Boys at Kasapu, Laigama Court, Pig Distribution, PyalaÕs House, Mulitaka Market, Laigama Greetings, Trade Store. Supplementary materials.
Record No:552
Resources: Distributors's List

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