First and Second Language Literacy: From Research to Practice

Location:Kosrae, FSM; American Samoa; HawaiĠi
Subject:Children, Education, Language
Length:60 minutes
Format:1/2 inch VHS
Year Released:2000
Producer:PREL (Pacific Resources for Education and Learning) and HawaiĠi Public Television
Library Code:UHM AV/C VIDEOTAPE 19565
Description:Through video vignettes, viewers enter classrooms in which reading is taught in English as well as in three heritage languages. In Kosrae, reading is taught in Kosraean, in American Samoa English is the language of instruction supported by Samoan language use, and in HawaiĠi where English-speaking students are taught through immersion in HawaiĠian.
Record No:624
Resources: Distributors's List

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