Location: | Solomon Islands; Reef Islands |
Subject: | Wirtschaft ; Landwirtschaft ; KnollenfrŸchte ; Nahrungszubereitung ; Essen ; Kochen ; Arbeits- und GerŠtekunde ; Hausrat, HausgerŠt ; Salomonen ; Australien/Ozeanien ; ethnology ; economy ; agriculture ; tuber crops ; preparation of food ; eating ; cooking ; labour and equipment science ; household goods, household appliances ; Australia/Oceania ; Solomon Islands ; Ethnologie/Kulturanthropologie |
Length: | 13 1/2 min |
Format: | Film, 16 mm, 145 m |
Hue: | B&W |
Year Released: | 1971 |
Series: | |
Director: | Koch, Gerd (Berlin) |
Producer: | Gerd Koch (Berlin) |
Distributor: | IWF (Gšttingen) E 1426 |
Library Code: | |
Description: | In der Siedlung Fenualoa bereiten zwei Frauen aus Bananen, Maniokknollen, ausgepre§tem Saft von geraspelten KokosnŸssen und Kokosšl eine Speise. Die Ingredienzien werden z. T. im Erdofen gedŸnstet, z. T. mit hei§en Steinen erhitzt, bevor sie miteinander vermischt werden.Two women peel and rub bananas and manioc tubers in the village of Tuo on Fenualoa (Ngasinue). They pack the rubbed mass into leaf sheathing. The two packets of pulp are stewed in a earth oven. Meanwhile the women grate the coconut pulp, press the "milk" out and heat it in a wooden trough by means of hot stones. The stones with the sweetish layer of fat sticking on are pressed again and again into the pudding, which in the meantime has cooked and been taken out of the ground oven and now has to be enriched with coconut oil. Finally the men of the house consume the delicious pudding dish. |
Record No: | 628 |
Resources: | Distributors's List |
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