Rotuman Proverb of the Week |
The sayings in this section are from a book by Elizabeth Kafonika Makarita Inia, entitled ROTUMAN PROVERBS. The book was published in September 1998 by the Institute of Pacific Studies at the University of the South Pacific in Suva, Fiji. It contains some 473 sayings, of which we will post one per week. |
Notice: Rotuman Proverbs is available in book form. For information
on purchasing contact Miriama Kubuabola <>
'Uaf pa sarap te 'Ea se hanit ne äfea se teet, äfea se teet 'e
reko 'on feke ma pa haipeluag. |
When you go near a brooding hen she will flap her wings. This saying is a way of telling children or others to stay out of a woman's way when she is in an angry mood. Can be said by a husband to his wife in a teasing way, acknowledging her grumpiness.