Second Decade Project, 2012 Analysis
The Second Decade Project has been revisited to check our projections relative to 2010 Census data, to review our outcomes and measures and revise as needed, and to measure our progress on performance indicators.
Presentation (July 2012 BOR Meeting)
PDFs for Color Printers
- 1 slide per page, 70 pages (2.05mb)
- 2 slides per page, 35 pages (968kb)
- 4 slides per page, 18 pages (1.04mb)
PDFs for Black and White Printers
- 1 slide per page, 70 pages (4.68mb)
- 2 slides per page, 35 pages (1.88mb)
- 4 slides per page, 18 pages (1.48mb)
Second Decade Project, 2007 Analysis
The Second Decade Project sought to identify the state’s higher education needs in the next decade, to determine the relative priority of state higher education needs by geographic region, and to develop a set of priorities that would enable the University to plan for the next decade (2020). The project was a two year undertaking.
Presentation - Full version (February 2007 update)Presentation - Short version (February 2007 update)
- 4 slides per page, grayscale (7 pages) [842kb pdf]
- 4 slides per page, full color (7 pages) [.99mb pdf]
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