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How does this policy compare to other universities and our peer institutions?

The Policy on Consensual Relationships is consistent with current practices of many other institutions around the country. The UH policy drafting committee reviewed 18 peer and benchmark institutions for UH Mānoa. It was found that the prevailing practice among these institutions is to have policies or faculty codes of conduct addressing consensual relationships. Of the surveyed institutions, 11 prohibit consensual relationships between faculty members and students when there is a direct supervisory and/or evaluative responsibility; the other 7 warn against having consensual relationships where a power differential exists.

How is it different from our previous policy?

In 1991, the UH Sexual Harassment Policy was revised and a statement on consensual relationships was added that reflected the prevailing practice at the time. It warned faculty about how favoritism and abuse of trust and power could lead to sexual harassment. Campus and workplace expectations have since evolved to the point where the prevailing practice among peer institutions is to prohibit faculty and other similar employees (coaches, counselors, advisors) from initiating romantic or sexual relationships with students who are under their direct academic advisement, evaluation or instruction. The new policy also takes it a step further and prohibits supervisors from initiating relationships with subordinate employees who are direct reports.

What are the consequences if an employee violates the policy?

Enforcement of the policy is on a case-by-case basis and in accordance with collective bargaining. Efforts would be made to ensure that the student’s academic progress is not hindered in the process, that all parties (including third parties) are treated fairly and that conflicts of interest are appropriately managed.

How will UH inform and educate students, faculty and staff of the new policy?

The Policy on Consensual Relationships is straightforward with clear case examples. The policy is consistent with existing nepotism and conflict of interest policies. There have been internal discussions with stakeholder groups. The university has sent an email notice to the entire UH System and posted information on official websites and social media. The university will also incorporate the new policy in existing training opportunities, including: briefings for human resources and Title IX officers, sexual harassment prevention workshops, online training, new employee packets and orientations, new student orientation, teaching assistant trainings, coaches trainings, etc.

Last modified: October 31, 2023
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