Executive Policy 9.217 Executive Policy 9.217


Hiring an Administrative, Professional and Technical (APT) Employee

Executive Policy Chapter 9, Human Resources
Executive Policy & Procedure EP 9.217, Hiring an Administrative, Professional and Technical (APT) Employee
Effective Date:  February 2021
Prior Dates Amended: None
Responsible Office:  Office of Human Resources
Governing Board of Regents Policy: RP 9.202 Classification Plans and Compensation Schedules
Review Date:  January 2024

I.  Purpose and Authority

  1. The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance on the hiring of APT employees, including the establishment and recruitment of positions and the determination of initial salaries. APT employees provide administrative, professional and technical support and services to the University and the community for research, academic, student and administrative purposes. The APT classification is unique to the University, as it groups positions into 4 bands, each of which covers a wide range of duties. The positions are broader in exchange for flexible initial hiring salaries and merit-based salary increases and performance bonuses.

  2. The President has the authority to establish, amend or abolish APT bands and groups.

II.  Definitions

Refer to Definitions.

III.  Hiring an APT Employee

Supervisors shall obtain approval to hire an APT employee via the following process.

  1. Justify Need
    1. For a new position, supervisors should consider the services the unit provides and how the new position supports these services.

    2. For vacant existing positions, supervisors shall evaluate (1) the impact of not filling a vacant position and (2) whether the position may support the unit in other ways. If the vacancy will have a negative impact on the unit’s operations or the position may be redescribed to satisfy an operational need, units should recruit to fill the position. Casual hires, overtime, temporary assignment and other temporary staffing options may be utilized, but should not be relied upon for extended periods of time. Units should actively recruit to fill the vacancy during the interim.

  2. Establish/Update APT Position
  3. Consult with HR Representative to develop the Position Description:

    1. Position Descriptions should be written broadly and flexibly to allow for in-band growth through career development. See EP 9.218.
    2. Position Descriptions should be updated when there are significant job changes, which may support a change in band. See EP 9.218.

  4. Determine Band and Group
    1. Review band concepts, band guidelines, and career groups to determine appropriate band and job title.

    2. Band C and D positions will undergo additional review. The Office of Human Resources (OHR), and the UH Hilo, UH West O‘ahu and Community College System HR Offices will consult with the committee of subject matter experts, as appropriate.

    3. Chancellors (UHH and UHWO), Provost and Vice Presidents shall have the authority to band and designate the Career Group for all APT positions within their organization. Community College Chancellors shall have the authority to band and designate the career group for positions in Bands A and B. See EP 9.112, Delegation of Authority for Personnel Actions.

    4. The effective date shall be the date the request is officially approved by the approving authority in the Position Description Generator. An earlier effective date may be authorized by the approving authority when deemed equitable.

    5. An employee or supervisor may request an administrative review of the band action taken on the position by submitting the administrative review form to the respective approving authority.

    6. In the event the employee or supervisor is not satisfied with the outcome of the administrative review, an appeal may be filed with the APT Classification Appeals Board.

  5. Recruit for APT Employee
    1. Supervisors shall select the most qualified candidate that best fits the needs of the unit and in accordance with the Unit 8 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA).

    2. Units shall utilize the on-line recruitment system as a recruitment tool for all APT job announcements; comply with all EEO/AA requirements (see RP 1.205 and RP 4.201); appropriately develop interview questions; conduct thorough interviews; and complete reference checks prior to making a selection.

  6. Establish Initial Salary
    1. Refer to Salary Placement for non-IT Professional and Salary Placement for IT Professional to determine initial hiring salary for for APT Professional.

    2. The University desires to attract and retain competent APT employees and be competitive with the appropriate market.

    3. As a general rule, the initial salary should be at the minimum step of the assigned band unless a higher salary is justified and approved.

    4. The initial salary and State of Hawai'i benefits package should be competitive with internal and reputable external salary benchmarks.

    5. An initial salary for applicants shall fall between the minimum and maximum step of the assigned band, and shall take into consideration:
      1. Applicant’s relevant experience, education and training

      2. Applicant’s demonstrated ability to immediately apply required knowledge and skills to the job

      3. Assigned duties and responsibilities of position

      4. Preferred salary requirement

      5. Comparable UH salaries within campus or University, and

      6. Available funding

    6. The Chancellor/Vice President/Provost (or designee) is the approving authority, and the initial salary shall be approved prior to the formal offer being made by the supervisor.

  7. Send Offer Letter
    1. Offer letter templates are available in the on-line recruitment system for campuses/schools/programs to use and/or adapt to fit most employment situations. Refer to EP 8.200 Policy on Contracts and Signing Authority

    2. Campuses/schools/programs should utilize the appropriate offer letter template and establish deadline for offer acceptance/rejection

  8. Onboarding - New Employee Orientation
    1. All new employees shall be provided a general orientation on the employees’ benefits and rights within 20 calendar days of being hired.

    2. The union that represents the employee may attend the general orientation and present information on the employee’s benefits and rights.


David Lassner
February 23, 2021


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