Submitted by: Baron Fujimoto
[This was written in response to a thread in alt.culture.hawaii years ago
when folks were asking about how to make spam musubi and I was thinking,
"chee, not exactly rocket science..."]
- cook rice (da sticky kine),
- make 'em into one spam shaped block about 1"-2" high,
- t'row one slice fried spam on top, and wrap da buggah wit' nori.
- Da only hints I can 'tink of is,
- try wet yo' hands and put little bit salt on top when you stay making da musubi shape wit'
da hot rice,
- and toas' da nori little bit first.
Hints from uddah peepo':
- Use da spam can and use fo mold for da rice.
- Den da slice of spam goin' fit perfect on top.
- If you can fin' furikake out dea, mix it in da rice firs.
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