Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics
A 4-volume encyclopedia published by the Institute of Physics and Nature in 2001, available in the Science and Technology Reference Department, 1st Floor Addition, at call number QB14 .E534 2001. Articles are written by astronomers and astrophysicists.
Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics
An important source of review articles going back to 1996 online, with a searchable interface that allows topic and author searches. Also available in print from 1963 to the latest volume at call number QB1 .A2884 in the Hamilton Library.
An enormous collection of links selected by an editorial committee of astronomy researchers and librarians with a simple search engine interface.
The online catalog of the University of Hawaii libraries. To find a journal title, go to Basic Search and perform a title search. If you are unsure about the title, use keywords from the title or search on the ISSN as a keyword, ex: 0250 and 6335 retrieves a record for the Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy.
Gateway to UH Electronic Resources
Use this database to find electronic journals and databases that are available through the library.
A catalog of catalogs to which many academic research libraries contribute records; a useful database to check book, journal, and government document titles and availability of materials not held by the UH Library System.
An important literature resource in astronomy, created by astronomers for astronomers. Links to full-text files and object data. The links to licensed materials will only provide access to the full-text articles if UH Manoa subscribes to the journal. Full-text links to historical materials that are freely available to the public. The direct link to ADS is http://adsabs.harvard.edu/ads_browse.html.
A multidisciplinary index in which the major life sciences journals are indexed. Online coverage is available from 1980 to the present. In the General Search file one can search to find citations to papers, and in the Cited Ref search one can find citations to papers that cite an author or paper. This is a useful tool when you have a paper in hand on which you would like to build a bibliography.
Also known as Science Citation Index in print. The Hamilton Library holdings go back to 1964 in the print format and can be found at call number Z7401 .S365 in Science & Technology Reference, 1st Floor Hamilton Library Addition.
Provides international coverage of works on astronomy from the years 1899-1968 from the Astronomischer Jahresbericht, from 1969 to 2000 (abstracts only up to 1979) from the Astronomy and Astrophysics Abstracts, and early literature from "ancient epochs" to 1880 from bibliographies by Lalande and Houzeau.
From the SIMBAD website: "The SIMBAD astronomical database provides basic data, cross-identifications, bibliography and measurements for astronomical objects outside the solar system. "
VizieR provides access to the most complete library of published astronomical catalogues and data tables available on-line.
The Strasbourg astronomical Data Center (CDS) collection of astronomical data catalogues of observations of star, galaxy, and other galactic and extragalactic objects. This site includes a link to the VizierR service.
Palomar Observatory Sky Survey I, the SERC Southern Sky and the SERC Equatorial J survey
A user friendly interface to the DSS.
Lunar Orbiter Photographic Atlas
Digitized and indexed images from the important 1971 publication by David E. Bowker, the Lunar Orbiter photographic atlas of the Moon prepared by the Langley Research Center and published by the Scientific and Technical Information Office, National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA SP ; 206.
Solar Spectrum Atlases from the National Solar Observatory
Solar spectral atlases from the Fourier Transform Spectrometer at the McMath/Pierce Solar Telescope situated on Kitt Peak, Arizona, and operated by the National Solar Observatory, a Division of the National Optical Astronomy Observatories. FTP files prepared from FTS archives. Go to ftp://argo.tuc.noao.edu/pub/atlas/ and open the README file.
National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC)
A permanent archive of space science mission data, on the NASA server.
A repository of astronomical data and images supported by the NSF to enable new science by greatly enhancing access to data and computing resources.
Contains tabular data for astronomy, space sciences, geodesy, surveying, navigation and other applications. Indicates locations of celestial bodies on given dates. Available on the USNO website (see Astronomical Almanac link) and in print in the Hamilton Library Science and Technology Reference shelves at QB8.U3 A5
Field Guide to the Stars and Planets
Includes monthly sky maps, charts and tables. By Jay Pasachoff. Held in the Science and Technology Reference shelves at QB 64 .p37 1992
Cambridge University Press Handbook of Space Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2nd ed.
An online version of an important reference for space astronomy and astrophysics, by Martin Zombeck, 1990.
ArXiv Astrophysics Preprint Server
A rapidly growing collection of submitted preprints in astrophysics (8747 preprints submitted to astro-ph in 2005).
Provides links to preprints from a list of observatories and servers.
International Astronomical Union Circulars
Telegrams of astronomical observations available online back to the year 1969. To search on specific objects use Astrophysical Data System abstract search--citations link to the IAU ciculars.
Minor Planet Electronic Circulars
To search on specific objects use Astrophysical Data System abstract search--citations link to the MPEC ciculars.
Search for reports on government funded research. Index goes back to 1990 and provides links to downloading papers.
Provides links to technical reports from many U.S. government laboratories involved with space research, e.g. Ames Research Center, Los Alamos, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, etc.
NASA Aerospace Information Report Server
Includes the STAR File (Science and Technical Aerospace Reports) 1962-present, the NASA Open Literature File, 1962-present, and the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), 1915-1960.
GrayLit Network makes the gray literature of the U.S. Federal Government accessible through a search engine that taps into distributed gray literature archives.
The Lunar and Planetary Institute Reports
Technical reports of research at the Lunar and Planetary Institute.
Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers
Published in 2007, this is a comprehensive biographical encyclopedia with more than 1550 articles about astronomers from early history to the 20th century.
International Astronomical Union Membership Directory
A searchable database of the membership of the IAU.
A searchable online database of astronomy organizations worldwide.
Online database which indexes personal Web pages of individual astronomers.
Gives e-mail addresses of astronomers.
A Finding List of Obituary Notes of Astronomers 1900-1997
A list of obituary citations compiled by Hilar Duerbeck and Beatrix Ott. Contains more than 9000 entries.
Located on Woodlawn, the Institute for Astronomy houses the graduate and research program in Astronomy at Manoa
Physics and Astronomy Department of the University of Hawaii at Manoa
The department is located in Watanabe Hall on the Manoa campus.
ALOHA, the Astronomy Librarians of Hawaii Association
Links to observatories in Hawaii and to library holdings of the observatory libraries.
U.S. Naval Observatory Time Service Department
Links to data about sunrise, sunset, phase of the moon, eclipses, daily positions of the sun and moon, and more.
U.S. and Territories Geographic Names Information System
Provides elevation, longitude and latitude to places, cities in the U.S. and U.S. Territories (Hamilton Library latitude is 211814N and longitude is 1574908W).
Provides international geospatial data.
Provides current time in major cities around the world.
A collection of 14 short movies, a glossary, and introductory text that explores and depicts current understanding of cosmology and evolution at a level that does not require a great deal of educational background in science.
Nine Planets: a multimedia tour of the Solar System
Developed by Bill Arnett at the University of Arizona, this site gives background information and physical data about each of the planets and their satellites.
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