Mac OS 10.9 advisory

SUMMARY: Mac OS 10.9 advisory
POSTED ON: 07/01/2014
REPORTER: ITS Help Desk (help)
START TIME: Oct 23 10:11 AM
END TIME: Jul 01 10:11 AM
DESCRIPTION: Mac OS 10.9 was released Tuesday, Oct. 22, 2013. ITS is not recommending the upgrade or supporting Mac OS 10.9 at this time.

Compatibility testing has not yet been done to ensure that all applications will continue to function. In particular, Safari 7.0 comes with Mac OS 10.9 and ITS-managed web applications need to be tested for compatibility with this browser version.

We will update the advisory as testing is completed and new information about compatibility or other issues becomes available.
UPDATE:11/04/2013 03:23 PM: There have been some reports of data loss using external hard drives with Mac OS 10.9 (Mavericks).
Please see