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- Bibliography
- 1961 to 1999
- Comparative behavioral and structural effects of androgen injected into pregnant and non-pregnant guinea pigs (1960)
- The Japanese Monkey Center (1961)
- The inhibition by progesterone of normal sexual behavior in the male guinea pig (1963)
- Pseudopregnancy, ovariectomy and induced masculinization (1964)
- Aggression and Sexual Behavior in the Androgen Treated Pregnant and Nonpregnant Guinea Pig (1964)
- A Critical Evaluation of the Ontogeny of Human Sexual Behavior (1965)
- Yohimbine and Sexual Stimulation in the Male Rat (1965)
- The Antagonistic Actions of Testosterone Propionate and Estrogen and Progesterone on Copulatory Patters of the Female Guinea Pig (1965)
- Progestagen Inhibition of Normal Sexual Behavior in the Male Guinea-Pig (1966)
- The effect of sex hormones on the fetus and postnatal behavior (1966)
- The effect of age on female sexual behavior in the guinea pig (1966)
- Homosexuality and Psychopathology (1966)
- Review of "The Development of Sex Differences" (1967)
- Androgen-induced Masculinization in the Ovariectomized and Hysterectomized Guinea Pig (1967)
- Distribution of Radiolabeled Steroid after Administration to the Neonatal Rat (1967)
- Induction of Pseudopregnancy in the Golden Hamster (1968)
- Preface to "Perspectives in Reproduction and Sexual Behavior" (1968)
- Genetic-endocrine Interactions and Human Psychosexuality (1968)
- Afterword to "Perspectives in Reproduction and Sexual Behavior" (1968)
- Neonatal Progesterone: Toxicity and Effect on Sexual Performance (1968)
- Hormones and Behavior in Rodents (1968)
- Neonatal Progesterone: Effect on reproductive functions in the female rat (1969)
- Yohimbine and Sexual Stimulation in the Male Rat (1969)
- High-affinity Binding of Progesterone, Testosterone and Cortisol in Normal and Androgen Treated Guinea Pigs During Various Reproductive Stages: Relationship to Masculinization (1969)
- Intromission Pattern and Species Related Vaginal Code in Relation to the Induction of Pseudopregnancy (1970)
- Ovarian Changes in the Guinea Pig During Various Reproductive Stages and Steroid Treatments (1970)
- Reproductive Development in the Female Golden Hamster in Relation to Spontaneous Estrus (1970)
- Abortion in Hawaii: the first 124 days (1971)
- Vaginal Stimulation and Progesterone in Relation to Pregnancy and Parturition (1972)
- Anal Sex (1972)
- Human Sexuality: Television Series (1973 / 1976)
- Sexuality, Birth Control and Abortion: a decision-making sequence (1973)
- Comments on the Review Article “Fetal Hormones, the Brain, and Human Sex Differences” (1974)
- Sexuality and the Handicapped (1974)
- Transsexualism (1974)
- Human Sexual Development: biological foundations for social development (1976)
- Human Sexuality: Mass Sex Education Student and Community Reaction (1976)
- Sexual Identity, Monozygotic Twins Reared in Discordant Sex Roles and a BBC Follow-Up (1982)
- Sex Change in a Coral-Reef Fish: dependence of stimulation and inhibition on relative size (1983)
- Sex Education on Television: an early history of some firsts (1985)
- Foreword to J. S. Gochros (Ed.), When Husbands Come out of the Closet (1989)
- Pornography and Community Standards in Hawaii: comparisons with other states (1989)
- Selected Cross-Generational Sexual Behavior in Traditional Hawai’i: A Sexological Ethnography (1990)
- Asphyxiophilia and Autoerotic Death (1990)
- Marriage and Family: Changes in China and the U.S.A. since World War II - Abstract (1991)
- AIDS and Austrian Physicians (1992)
- Homosexuality and Bisexuality in Different Populations (1993)
- Sexual Considerations in a Community’s Psycho-sexual Responses to AIDS (1993)
- Some Genetic Considerations in the Development of Sexual Orientation (1993)
- Homosexual Orientation in Twins: A report on 61 pairs and three triplet sets (1993)
- Biological Aspects of Sexual Orientation and Identity (1995)
- Civil Behavior: Same-sex Partnerships and Old Hawaii's Tradition of Tolerance (1996 reprinted 2009)
- Prenatal Predisposition and the Clinical Management of Some Pediatric Conditions (1996)
- Same-Sex Marriage (1996)
- Self-Testing Among Transsexuals: a check on sexual identity (1996)
- Response: Considerations for Sex Assignment (1996)
- From Fertilization to Adult Sexual Behavior (1996)
- Sexual Identity and Sexual Orientation in Children With Traumatized or Ambiguous Genitalia (1997)
- Homosexuality and Dance: relation to AIDS and Hawai‘i (1997)
- The Road to Paradise (1997)
- Self-Testing: A Check on Sexual Identity and Other Levels of Sexuality (1997)
- Sex Reassignment at Birth: long term review and clinical implications (1997)
- Management of Intersexuality: guidelines for dealing with persons with ambiguous genitalia (1997)
- In reply to: Sex Reassignment at Birth: long term review and clinical implications (1997)
- In reply to: Sex Reassignment at Birth (1997)
- In reply to: Sex Reassignment at Birth [2] (1997)
- Money's Sex Claims
- Bisexuality: A Biological Perspective (1998)
- Sexual Development - Nature's Substrate for Nurture's Influence (1998)
- Pediatric Ethics and the Surgical Assignment of Sex (1998)
- Pornography, Rape and Sex Crimes in Japan (1999)
- The Effects of Pornography: an international perspective (1999)
- Pediatric Ethics and the Surgical Assignment of Sex (1999)
- Pediatric Management of Ambiguous and Traumatized Genitalia (1999)
- The Field of Sex Research: Responsibility to Ourselves and to Society (1999)
- 2000 to 2004
- An Emerging Ethical and Medical Dilemma: should physicians perform sex assignment surgery on infants with ambiguous genitalia? (2000)
- Componentes Básicos de la Sexualidad Humana (2000)
The John/Joan Case : another perspective (2000)
- Sex and Gender: same or different? (2000)
- Letter to Germaine Greer (2000)
- Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality: Quarterly Presidential Letter, Fall 2001
- Medical Change: Milton Diamond challenges gender reassignment (2002)
- Sex and Gender are Different: sexual identity and gender identity are different (2002)
- Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality: Quarterly Presidential Letter, Winter 2002
- What's in a Name? Some terms used in the discussion of sex and gender (2003)
- Opening Eyes, Opening Minds (2003)
- Pediatric Management of Ambiguous and Traumatized Genitalia (2004)
- Concordance for Gender Identity among Monozygotic and Dizygotic Twin Pairs (2004)
- Sex, Gender, and Identity over the Years: a changing perspective (2004)
- Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome and Klinefelter's Syndrome (2004)
- Sexual Behavior in Pre Contact Hawai‘i: a sexological ethnography (2004)
- Preface in Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics: Sex and Gender (2004)
- 2005 to 2009
- Ethical Concerns Related to Treating Gender Nonconformity in Childhood and Adolescence: lessons from the family court of Australia (2005)
- Transsexuality, Intersexuality and Ethics (2005)
- Assessing the Influence of Pornography on Sexual Violence: A Cross-Cultural Perspective (2005)
- “Why I Did It (Or Didn’t)”: Reasons for or Against F2M and M2F transition (2005)
- Social Sexual Experiments Without Adequate Justification: A High Social Cost (2005)
David Reimer's Legacy: limiting parental discretion (2005)
- The Failure of Abstinence-only Education: minors have a right to honest talk about sex (2006)
- The Right to be Wrong (2006)
- Traditionalists vs. Feminists in Contemporary Japanese Culture: Nature vs. Nurture vs. InterAction and social implications (2006)
- Atypical Gender Development - A Review (2006)
- Biased-interaction Theory of Psychosexual Development: "how does one know if one is male or female?" (2006)
- Variations of Sex Development instead of Disorders of Sex Development (2006)
- Mythbuster (Interview) (2006)
- Dichotic Listening Among Transsexuals: Preliminary Evidence for Organizational Brain Differences (2007)
- Is it a Boy or a Girl?: intersex children reshape medical practice (2007)
- Managing Variations in Sex Development (2007)
- Changes in the Management of Children with Intersex Conditions (2008)
- Soziale Regulierungen von Sexualität: Legitimitätsstrategien und ihre gesellschaftlichen Kosten (2008)
- Das wichtigste Sexualorgan sitzt zwischen den Ohren (2008)
- Social Sexual Experiments and Ethics: A High Social Cost (2008)
- Sex Research as Serious Work (2008)
- Pornografi dan Kejahatan Seksual (2008)
- Abstinence-only Sex Education: potential developmental effects (2008)
- Human Intersexuality: Difference or Disorder? (2009)
- Clinical Implications of the Organizational and Activational Effects of Hormones (2009)
- Pornography, Public Acceptance and Sex Related Crime: a review (2009)
- Teens Deserve Accurate Information (2009)
- Response to "Results from a pediatric surgical centre justify early intervention in disorders of sex development" (2009)
- 2010 to 2014
- Dichotic Listening, Handedness, Brain Organization and Transsexuality (2010)
- Women and the Glass Ceiling in Japanese Academia (2010)
- Discrimination, Psychosexual Development, and Japanese Women in Academia (2010)
- Porn: Good for Us? (2010)
- Intersexuality (2010)
- Pornography: Is it Bad for Us? (2010)
- Pornography and Sex Crimes in the Czech Republic - Abstract (2010)
- Pornography and Sex Crimes in the Czech Republic (2010)
- Pornography (2011)
- Developmental, Sexual and Reproductive Neuroendocrinology: Historical, Clinical and Ethical Considerations (2011)
- Response to Kingston and Malamuth re: Study of Pornography (2011)
- The Needs of Gender-Variant Children and Their Parents: A Parent Survey (2011)
- Gender IdentityConcordance Among Monozygotic and Dizygotic Twin Pairs - Abstract (2011)
- The Needs of Gender-Variant Children and Their Parents According to Health Professionals (2011)
- Correction for False Statement (Letter to Editor) (2012)
- Surviving a Gender Variant Childhood: The views of transgender adults on the needs of gender variant children and their parents (2012)
- Intersex and Transsex: Atypical Gender Development and Social Construction (2012)
- Review of "Born Together — Reared Apart" by Nancy L. Segal (2012)
- Transsexuality Among Twins: Identity Concordance, Transition, Rearing, and Orientation (2013)
- Recognising the needs of gender-variant children and their parents (2013)
- Evidence regarding cosmetic and medically unnecessary surgery on infants (2014)
- Identical Reared Apart Twins Concordant for Transsexuality (2014)
- Response to "Re: Evidence regarding cosmetic and medically unnecessary surgery on infants" (2014)
- Intersex/Hermaphrodite (2014)
- Individuals with Differences in Sex Development: Consult to Colombia Constitutional Court Regarding Sex and Gender (2014)
- 2015 onwards
- 1961 to 1999
- Photographs
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