1.1.1, 1.3.1, 2.4.4, 3.3.2, 4.1.2
Description: The WAI-ARIA ‘aria-labelledby’ attribute has a reference to an ID that does not exist or an ID that is not unique.
Context: All ARIA tags must reference elements that exist on the page, an ID should only be used once on any given page.
<a id="advanceddegree" href="content/advanced-degree-institutional-learning-objectives-ilo" aria-labelledby="advanceddegreeinstitutionallearningobjectives">
How to fix it: Make sure the ID referred by ‘aria-labelledby’ exists on the page and that the referred ID is only used on one element on the same page.
<a id="advanceddegree" href="content/advanced-degree-institutional-learning-objectives-ilo" aria-labelledby="advanceddegreeinstitutionallearningobjectives">
<p id="advanceddegreeinstitutionallearningobjectives">See more learning objectives</p>