The Humanities Initiative Open Forum Meeting

March 6, 9:00am - 10:15am
Mānoa Campus, Moore Hall 258 Add to Calendar

Does UHM need a unit that can be a home and advocate for Humanities related work here on campus? If so, since no such entity exists, what shape should such a unit take?

The Humanities Initiative is intended to explore whether and in what shape to create a unit that might bring focus to Humanities oriented work across campus and also be a home for fresh initiatives.

Housing fellowships, sponsoring reading groups, generating collaboration amongst Humanities faculty and students, producing digital archives, facilitating humanities labs, engaging with the broader community, coordinating lecture series, raising funds—the possibilities are many.

Join in the conversation by attending an Open Forum Meeting to get informed and share ideas. This is the first of several events during the Spring 2014 semester.

Ticket Information
Free & open to public

Event Sponsor
Sponsored by the Offices of the Deans of Arts & Humanities, LLL, SPAS and the University Librarian, Mānoa Campus

More Information
Teri Skillman, 956-8688,

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