The Wakamiya Inari Shrine: A Changing Life
January 22, 12:00pm - 1:15pmMānoa Campus, Henke Hall 325
The Wakamiya Inari Shrine was built in KakaÊ»ako in 1914, moved to MÅÊ»iliÊ»ili in 1918, and had stood for over 60 years when it was threatened with demolition in 1979. Those who traveled on South King Street in those days might remember the small, bright red Shinto shrine, or jinja, where the McCully Bicycle Shop now stands. In 2014, the shrine, which barely escaped demolition, celebrated its centennial anniversary. Dr. Gail Okawa, a visiting scholar at the Center for Biographical Research, studying the mainland internment of Hawaii’s Japanese during WWII, and a co-chair of the Inari Shrine Preservation Committee, will share the biography of the Wakamiya Inari Jinja as it morphed from one location and role to another over its one hundred years.
Event Sponsor
Center for Biographical Research, Mānoa Campus
More Information
(808) 956-3774,,
Thursday, January 22 |
12:00pm |
The Wakamiya Inari Shrine: A Changing Life Mānoa Campus, Henke Hall 325
1:30pm |
Salamanca, Spain - June 2015! Mānoa Campus, Moore Hall 109
3:00pm |
Summer 2015 in Annecy, France Info Meeting Mānoa Campus, Moore 111
3:00pm |
Oceanography Seminar- Sung Yong Kim Mānoa Campus, Marine Sciences Building, MSB 100
3:30pm |
Fall 2015 in London, England Info Meeting Mānoa Campus, Moore 104
4:30pm |
New Student Orientation Information Session Mānoa Campus, Campus Center, Room 310
5:00pm |
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