Student Employee of the Year Craft Fair & Silent Auction
November 20, 9:30am - 2:00pmMānoa Campus, Queen Liliuokalani Center for Student Services
Join us at the 20th Annual Student Employee of the Year Craft Fair & Silent Auction! You will find great gift items and lots of delicious food to satisfy your taste buds. You can also bid on items in the silent auction, donated by our generous campus and community partners. Proceeds from the fair and auction benefit the Student Employee of the Year (SEOTY) Scholarship Recipients at the University of Hawai‘i at MÄnoa.
So please join us on the lanai of the Queen Lili‘uokalani Center for Student Services from 9:30am-2:00pm and support a program that directly benefits our hard working UH MÄnoa student employees!
For more information and details on the fair and silent auction, visit the MÄnoa Career Center website.
Event Sponsor
Manoa Career Center, Mānoa Campus
More Information
Noreen Okikawa, 956-7007,,
Friday, November 20 |
7:00am |
Chilean plate lunch special at the Campus Center Food Court Mānoa Campus, Campus Center Food Court
8:00am |
Pumpkin Cream Cheese Crepe Topped with Pecans&Whipped Cream at Le Crêpe Café Mānoa Campus, Le Crêpe Café, Richardson School of Law
9:00am |
Forum on UH Research Compliance Mānoa Campus, UH IT Center, 1st Floor Conference Room
9:00am |
UH-HELP and Hawaii Foodbank Drive Mānoa Campus, Campus Center
9:00am |
Interested in Studying Abroad? Visit the Study Abroad Center Table! Mānoa Campus, Campus Center Info Tables (near Starbucks and Jamba Juice)
9:30am |
Student Employee of the Year Craft Fair & Silent Auction Mānoa Campus, Queen Liliuokalani Center for Student Services
11:00am |
Exciting International Study Opportunities at the College of Education Mānoa Campus, Campus Center Info Tables (near Starbucks and Jamba Juice)
11:00am |
GSO Coffee Hour Mānoa Campus, Sinclair Library Ewa Lanai
11:00am |
Taiko Drumming - Taiko Center of the Pacific Mānoa Campus, Campus Center Courtyard
11:00am |
Talk: “So You Want to Be A Diplomat?†Mānoa Campus, Campus Center, Room 203B
11:00am |
Opportunities for International Study - Outreach College Mānoa Campus, Campus Center Info Tables (near Starbucks and Jamba Juice)
11:00am |
Manoa International Exchange (MIX) Mānoa Campus, Campus Center Tables near Starbucks and Jamba Juice
11:00am |
UHM GSO COFFEE HOUR Mānoa Campus, Sinclair Library Ewa Lanai
12:30pm |
The Hunting Ground - Movie Screening Mānoa Campus, Kuykendall Auditorium
12:30pm |
Summer 2016 Study Abroad Program in Copenhagen, Denmark Mānoa Campus, Moore 155A
12:30pm |
Opportunities and Options: Is There a Fulbright in Your Future? Mānoa Campus, Kuykendall 106
1:30pm |
Summer 2016 Study Abroad Program in Berlin, Germany Mānoa Campus, Moore 155A
2:00pm |
Oceanography Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Marine Sciences Building, MSB 100
2:30pm |
Psychology Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Sakamaki C-204B
2:30pm |
Talk: “Japan’s English Language Education in the Age of Globalization" Mānoa Campus, Andrew In College Collaboration Center, Wist Hall
2:30pm |
French Club Presentation: How to make fondue au chocolat Mānoa Campus, Moore 151
3:00pm |
Constructing "Japanese Identity" Among Okinawan Students Mānoa Campus, Moore 319
3:00pm |
German Club - Stammtisch Mānoa Campus, Manoa Gardens
3:00pm |
H-1B Information Sessions Mānoa Campus, Queen Lili'uokalani Center for Student Services, Room 208
3:30pm |
Zoology PhD Defense Honolulu Campus, Biomed B-103
3:30pm |
French Film Screening "Un Prophete" 2009 by Jacques Audiard Mānoa Campus, Moore 120
3:30pm |
Zoology Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Biomed B-103
7:30pm |
Manoa Laughs Presenting Craig Robinson Mānoa Campus, UHM Andrews Amphitheater
10:00pm |
Clowns After Hours Mānoa Campus, Earle Ernst Lab Theatre