Constructing "Japanese Identity" Among Okinawan Students
November 20, 3:00pm - 4:30pmMānoa Campus, Moore 319
"Constructing 'Japanese Identity' Among Okinawan Students: A Preliminary Study, by Kazufumi Taira. This is a preliminary examination of how Nihonjinron discourse (i.e., discussions and theories about “Japanese-nessâ€) may be embedded in textbook course materials. Using a multi-method study strategy, reviewing a sample of textbooks as well as interviews with a small sample of educators in Okinawa, this study discusses how access to Okinawan perspectives may be limited or suppressed.
Kazufumi Taira is a PhD. Candidate in Educational Psychology and Certificate Program in Cultural Studies.
To see the full schedule of events for MÄ€NOA International Education Week, visit
Event Sponsor
Center for Okinawan studies, Mānoa Campus
More Information
Friday, November 20 |
7:00am |
Chilean plate lunch special at the Campus Center Food Court Mānoa Campus, Campus Center Food Court
8:00am |
Pumpkin Cream Cheese Crepe Topped with Pecans&Whipped Cream at Le Crêpe Café Mānoa Campus, Le Crêpe Café, Richardson School of Law
9:00am |
Forum on UH Research Compliance Mānoa Campus, UH IT Center, 1st Floor Conference Room
9:00am |
UH-HELP and Hawaii Foodbank Drive Mānoa Campus, Campus Center
9:00am |
Interested in Studying Abroad? Visit the Study Abroad Center Table! Mānoa Campus, Campus Center Info Tables (near Starbucks and Jamba Juice)
9:30am |
Student Employee of the Year Craft Fair & Silent Auction Mānoa Campus, Queen Liliuokalani Center for Student Services
11:00am |
Exciting International Study Opportunities at the College of Education Mānoa Campus, Campus Center Info Tables (near Starbucks and Jamba Juice)
11:00am |
GSO Coffee Hour Mānoa Campus, Sinclair Library Ewa Lanai
11:00am |
Taiko Drumming - Taiko Center of the Pacific Mānoa Campus, Campus Center Courtyard
11:00am |
Talk: “So You Want to Be A Diplomat?†Mānoa Campus, Campus Center, Room 203B
11:00am |
Opportunities for International Study - Outreach College Mānoa Campus, Campus Center Info Tables (near Starbucks and Jamba Juice)
11:00am |
Manoa International Exchange (MIX) Mānoa Campus, Campus Center Tables near Starbucks and Jamba Juice
11:00am |
UHM GSO COFFEE HOUR Mānoa Campus, Sinclair Library Ewa Lanai
12:30pm |
The Hunting Ground - Movie Screening Mānoa Campus, Kuykendall Auditorium
12:30pm |
Summer 2016 Study Abroad Program in Copenhagen, Denmark Mānoa Campus, Moore 155A
12:30pm |
Opportunities and Options: Is There a Fulbright in Your Future? Mānoa Campus, Kuykendall 106
1:30pm |
Summer 2016 Study Abroad Program in Berlin, Germany Mānoa Campus, Moore 155A
2:00pm |
Oceanography Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Marine Sciences Building, MSB 100
2:30pm |
Psychology Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Sakamaki C-204B
2:30pm |
Talk: “Japan’s English Language Education in the Age of Globalization" Mānoa Campus, Andrew In College Collaboration Center, Wist Hall
2:30pm |
French Club Presentation: How to make fondue au chocolat Mānoa Campus, Moore 151
3:00pm |
Constructing "Japanese Identity" Among Okinawan Students Mānoa Campus, Moore 319
3:00pm |
German Club - Stammtisch Mānoa Campus, Manoa Gardens
3:00pm |
H-1B Information Sessions Mānoa Campus, Queen Lili'uokalani Center for Student Services, Room 208
3:30pm |
Zoology PhD Defense Honolulu Campus, Biomed B-103
3:30pm |
French Film Screening "Un Prophete" 2009 by Jacques Audiard Mānoa Campus, Moore 120
3:30pm |
Zoology Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Biomed B-103
7:30pm |
Manoa Laughs Presenting Craig Robinson Mānoa Campus, UHM Andrews Amphitheater
10:00pm |
Clowns After Hours Mānoa Campus, Earle Ernst Lab Theatre