A Bird's Eye View of a Dossier
May 26, 11:30am - 12:45pmMānoa Campus, Kuykendall 106 Events Room
A panel including: Dr. Beverly McCreary, Assistant Vice Chancellor of Academic Personnel, a College Dean, Department Chairs, and members of Tenure, Promotion, Contract Renewal Committee (TPRC) and Department Personnel Committee (DPC).
Each will discuss the process of the Dossier from the perspective of their position along the line. Members of the panel will include faculty who have served on Department Personnel Committees (DPCs), Tenure and Promotion Review Committees (TPRCs), and as Department Chairs. The panel will also include a College Dean and the Assistance Vice Chancellor for Academic Personnel. Panelists will present perspectives from respective positions along the path of the dossier process and participants will have opportunities to ask questions.
Please plan to attend if you are one of the following:
- Junior faculty working on a dossier with plans to submit
- New faculty wanting orientation to the dossier process
- Associate faculty considering full rank
Event Sponsor
Faculty Mentoring Program , Mānoa Campus
More Information
(808) 956-6978, fmp@hawaii.edu, http://www.fmp.hawaii.edu/OnlineReg.html
Friday, May 26 |
11:30am |
A Bird's Eye View of a Dossier Mānoa Campus, Kuykendall 106 Events Room
12:00pm |
Film Screening: Breaking the Silence: Sexual Violence under the Khmer Rouge Mānoa Campus, East-West Center, 1601 East-West Road, John A. Burns Hall, Room 3015/3019
2:00pm |
Botany Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Crawford Hall 105