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Last modified May 11, 2024
Do you speak the language of your elders? We are looking for speakers of minority languages. Come learn how to analyze your language and make a website about it!
The mission of the Language Documentation Training Center is to train native speakers of underdocumented languages to work on the documentation of their own languages. The goals of the LDTC are to equip native speakers with basic skills in documentation, to offer them a public domain for making information about their languages accessible, and to inspire native speakers to become language advocates in their own communities.
Event Sponsor
Linguistics, Mānoa Campus
More Information
(808) 956-3239, ldtc@hawaii.edu, http://ling.hawaii.edu/ldtc/
Monday, October 23 |
10:30am |
Epidemiology Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Biomed D-207
11:00am |
ORE seminar - Ocean Renewable Energy Mānoa Campus, Kuykendall 209
2:00pm |
Why Open Access Matters at a R1 Research University Mānoa Campus, Hamilton Library, 1st Floor Sunny Alcove
6:00pm |
LDTC Workshop Series Mānoa Campus, Moore Hall 575