Surrogates--Decision-Making for Incapacitated Adults
April 10, 3:00pm - 5:30pmMānoa Campus, Law School Moot Court Room

UHELP Presents: Surrogates
Decision Making Discharge Planning and Application For Long Term Care Benefits For Adults Including Those Who Lack Capacity
What happens when there has been no legal planning for possible incapacity or when alternatives to guardianship and conservatorship, such as powers of attorney, advance health care directives, and designations or selections of “surrogates†fail?
Moderator: Professor James H. Pietsch
3:30–4:30 Panel 1
Learn about the roles, responsibilities and limitations of public and private entities charged with assisting and protecting adults who may lack capacity and who need help with decision-making, discharge planning and application for long-term care benefits.
- Edie Mayeshiro, BS, Human Development, Medical Assistance Program Officer, Med-QUEST Policy and Program Development Office
- Yvonne Yim, LCSW, DCSW, Director, Office of the Public Guardian
- John McDermott,LSW, ACSW, M. Div., Long-Term Care Ombudsman
- Nicole Coglietta, LSW, CareSift
4:30–5:30 Panel 2
Learn about the basics of legal planning for the future, discharge planning, alternatives to guardianship and conservatorship, including powers of attorney, advance health care directives, and “surrogates†under HawaiÊ»i law, and the potential effect of proposed statutory changes affecting Med-QUEST applications by “surrogates.â€
- Scott Suzuki, JD, MPH, Attorney-at-Law
- Mernie Miyasato-Crawford, LCSW, Tripler Army Medical Center
- Sara Tompkinson, LCSW ,VA Pacific Islands Health Care System
- Jennifer Kwok, LSW, Kaiser Permanente Moanalua Medical Center
Free Seminar, refreshments provided. Doors open at 3:00pm. Please confirm your attendance.
To contact us: UHELP 956-6544 or
The UH Law School is located at 2515 Dole Street / Directions:
Parking $5 in Parking Structure. Parking in Visitor Stalls $2 per half hour.
Event Sponsor
Law - UHELP, Mānoa Campus
More Information
Lenora Lee, (808) 956-6544,,
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Surrogates--Decision-Making for Incapacitated Adults Mānoa Campus, Law School Moot Court Room
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