Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2019
January 8, 2019 - January 11, 2019Grand Wailea, Maui

The Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) provides an unique and highly interactive environment for researchers to exchange perspectives and ideas in various areas of information, computer and system sciences.
With its leaders (Chairs, Track Chairs, Minitrack Chairs, Chairs of symposia, workshops and tutorials), and in particular more than 5,000 authors and reviewers, HICSS is one of the largest active scientific communities in the MIS, CIS, IT-related and system sciences disciplines.
To register, visit: http://hicss.hawaii.edu/participants/registration/
Ticket Information
Early Bird Registration Rate: $695 (May – October 1), Regular Registration Rate: $775 (October 2 – December 1), Late Registration Rate: $880 (December 2 – Onsite)
Event Sponsor
Shidler College of Business, Mānoa Campus
More Information
Department of IT Management, (808) 956-7430, hicss@hawaii.edu, http://hicss.hawaii.edu/
Tuesday, January 8 |
3:00pm |
Earth Sciences Special Seminar: Helen Janiszewski Mānoa Campus, POST 723
5:00pm |
Applying to the MSW Program Mānoa Campus, Gartley 018