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Last modified May 11, 2024
Join us for an inspiring and nourishing mindfulness practice designed for all skill levels. This practice is custom tailored for productive scholars to help reduce stress, increase energy, and improve mental clarity. It is designed to be your perfect mid-day practice you can do without skipping a beat.
Event Sponsor
Center for Teaching Excellence, Mānoa Campus
More Information
Elisabeth Hutchinson, 808-956-6978, cte@hawaii.edu, https://www.ofdas.hawaii.edu/, Up and Autumn: Lunchbreak Mindfulness Series Flyer (PDF)
Thursday, October 20 |
11:30am |
Up and Autumn: Lunchbreak Mindfulness Series Mānoa Campus, Online
12:00pm |
Brown Bag Biography with Dr. Sharon Weiner Mānoa Campus, Biomed B-104 and Zoom
1:30pm |
Computer Science Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Post 302
4:30pm |
Entrepreneurship Live with Bryson Honjo (Influencer and CEO of HiConnect Studi Mānoa Campus, 2404 Maile Way E-402, Honolulu, HI 96822
7:30pm |
Memorial Day Mānoa Campus, 1770 East-West Rd, Honolulu, HI 96822