Brown Bag Biography with Graphic Medicine Contributors
November 3, 12:00pm - 1:15pmMānoa Campus, Zoom

The Center for Biographical Research presents: / “Graphic Medicine: Stories Drawn from Illness, Health, and Caregiving” / Suzy Becker, Jared Gardner, Crystal Yin Lie, JoAnn Purcell, Susan Squier, and Julia Watson / Graphic Medicine brings together scholars and comics artists to consider how life narratives in the medium of comics open up new channels of communication between medical staff, patients, their loved ones, and the community. By treating illness and disability as experiences of fundamentally changed living, rather than as separate narrative episodes organized by treatment, recovery, and a return to “normal life,” it asks what it means to give and receive care. In this panel, six Graphic Medicine contributors will share their work and converse about representing lives, illness, and disability in comics form. / Suzy Becker is a New Yorker cartoonist and the bestselling author/illustrator of eleven titles, including All I Need To Know I Learned From My Cat, with two million copies in print in 45 languages, and the award-winning illustrated memoir I Had Brain Surgery, What’s Your Excuse? / Jared Gardner is Professor of English at The Ohio State University, where he also directs the Humanities Collaboratory and the Popular Culture Studies Program. / Crystal Yin Lie is Assistant Professor of Comparative World Literature at California State University Long Beach, where she teaches and researches in disability studies, health humanities, and comics & graphic narratives. She earned her PhD in English Language & Literature from the University of Michigan Ann-Arbor. / JoAnn Purcell, PhD (Critical Disability Studies, York U) uses comics as a research method to inquire into disability and difference. She is the current and founding Program Coordinator of Illustration at Seneca College. / Susan Squier is Brill Professor Emeritus of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and English at Penn State University. Her most recent publiation is PathoGraphics: Narrative, Aesthetics, Contention, Community (Penn State UP, 2020). / Julia Watson is Academy Professor Emerita of Comparative Studies and a Core Member of Project Narrative at The Ohio State University. With Sidonie Smith she has coauthored Reading Autobiography: A Guide for Interpreting Life Narratives and Life Writing in the Long Run: A Smith & Watson Autobiography Studies Reader. / Thursday, November 3 / Zoom / 12 noon to 1:15PM HST / Zoom link: / Zoom Meeting ID: 976 3202 0673 / Password: 813967
Event Sponsor
Center for Biographical Research, Mānoa Campus
More Information
Caroline Zuckerman, 8089563774,,, Graphic Medicine Brown Bag Poster (PDF)
Thursday, November 3 |
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