Globalization after COVID-19
November 15, 3:00pm - 4:00pmMānoa Campus, Zoom

What is happening to globalization in our (post)COVID-19 world? Professor Manfred Steger argues that the pandemic is only the latest of multiple social crises that have impacted the global flow of people, things, institutions, and ideas in the opening decades of the 21st century. But rather than mischaracterizing the current moment as “deglobalization,” it should be seen as “reglobalization.” We are witnessing a profound rearrangement of major globalization formations that move at different speeds and at varying levels of intensity. These changes on the macro-level have also affected the micro-level of individual consciousness. We can observe the emergence of an “unhappy consciousness” torn between the enjoyment of global digital mobility and the embodied attachment to the local. The COVID-19 pandemic has acted as the “great accelerator” of these disjointed globalization dynamics unfolding on both the macro- and the micro-levels of social life.
Event Sponsor
Manoa International Education Week, Mānoa Campus
More Information
Joel Weaver, 8089562465,,, Enter Title HGlobalization after COVID-19ere (PDF)
Tuesday, November 15 |
10:30am |
Talk Story with Writer Devi Laskar Mānoa Campus,
11:00am |
Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) Hybrid Information Session Mānoa Campus,
12:00pm |
East-West Toastmasters Leadership/Public Speaking Club Meeting Mānoa Campus, Hemenway Hall 215 and online Zoom meeting: email for login information
3:00pm |
Globalization after COVID-19 Mānoa Campus, Zoom
4:00pm |
EMA - Book Donation Drive Mānoa Campus, English Department Main Office - Kuykendall 402