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Last modified May 11, 2024
A presentation by Dr. Ingrid Geier, Salzburg University of Teacher Education, Austria: "Transformative Learning as a Pedagogical Approach to Advance Change Towards Sustainability in Higher Education." The lecture introduces transformative learning and its potential to create learning occasions for students to think in alternatives, to develop problem-solving strategies, and to identify individual and collective scopes for action.
Event Sponsor
Co-sponsored by the College of Education and College of Social Sciences, Mānoa Campus
More Information
Ulla Hasager, 808 956 4218, ulla@hawaii.edu, https://coe.hawaii.edu/events/?open=events-1-10025
Thursday, February 2 |
10:30am |
Study Abroad Info Meeting - Summer in Berlin, Germany Mānoa Campus, Saunders 244
12:00pm |
Digital Tools For Class Interactions Mānoa Campus, Kuykendall 106 Events Room
12:00pm |
Study Abroad Info Meeting - Summer in Shanghai, China Mānoa Campus, Zoom or Moore 104
12:00pm |
Brown Bag Biography with Ernie Lau and Kathleen M. Pahinui Mānoa Campus, Zoom
1:30pm |
Study Abroad Info Meeting - Summer in Seville, Spain Mānoa Campus, Dean Hall Room 6
2:00pm |
Study Abroad Info Meeting - Summer in Annecy, France Mānoa Campus, Zoom
2:30pm |
Transformative Learning and Change Mānoa Campus, Wist Hall 233