Brown Bag Biography with Betsy Fisher
March 30, 12:00pm - 1:15pmMānoa Campus, Biomed B-104 & Zoom

The Center for Biographical Research presents: / “Dog Years: A Life in Dance” / Dr. Betsy Fisher, Professor Emerita, Former Professor of Dance, Department of Theatre and Dance, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa / They say that for every one year a human lives, a dog lives for seven. If thatʻs the case, do dancers live in dog years? “Dog Years” stitches together a life in dance. / Betsy Fisher has been dancing all her life and is likely to continue. She performs, choreographs, and teaches internationally. For her, dance is a matter of life and breath. /Cosponsored by Hamilton Library, the Hawaiʻinuiākea School of Hawaiian Knowledge, the Spark M. Matsunaga Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution, the School of Cinematic Arts, the School of Communication & Information, the Departments of Anthropology, History, and Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies / Thursday, March 30/ Biomed B-104 & Zoom / 12 noon to 1:15PM HST / Zoom link: / Zoom Meeting ID: 984 0946 3023/ Password: 082889
Event Sponsor
Center for Biographical Research, Mānoa Campus
More Information
Caroline Zuckerman, (808) 956-3774,,
Thursday, March 30 |
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Brown Bag Biography with Betsy Fisher Mānoa Campus, Biomed B-104 & Zoom
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