Application Open: Immersive research in Galápagos
October 1, 2023 - October 31, 2023Mānoa Campus, N/A

(Photo credit: Andres Cruz)
The University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa (UHM) and the Charles Darwin Foundation (CDF) in Galápagos are excited to present an immersive, experiential undergraduate research opportunity that engages both indigenous and western science and culture on island invasion biology in the Galápagos and Hawaiian archipelagoes. This two semester (Spring and Summer 2024) research experience includes: (i) a Spring 4-credit lab and lecture course in Island Invasion Biology, and (ii) an eight week, immersive, all expenses paid summer research experience in Galápagos. Embracing traditional Hawaiian knowledge and Western science, this unique program aligns with UH Mānoa’s strategic goal to becoming a Native Hawaiian Place of Learning (NHPoL), and combines scientific exploration with Hawaiian ways of knowing to weave indigenous and Western knowledge systems to better understand and manage invasive species in Pacific Island ecosystems. This program will enable undergraduate students to engage in international, faculty mentored research via a transformative journey that promotes deeper connections to ʻāina (land/sea) and kānaka (people) communities, and mālama ʻāina (stewardship of places and people).
Event Sponsor
OVPRS, Mānoa Campus
More Information
N/A,, Enter Title Here (PDF)
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