WRRC 2024 Spring Seminar

April 4, 3:00pm - 4:00pm
Mānoa Campus, Kuykendall 201 Add to Calendar

“He pō hīhīwai” - at the confluence of research and outreach to support communities revitalizing streams in Hawaiʻi

by Dr. Kaʻuaʻoa Fraiola

In Hawaiʻi, stream ecosystems and their native species have a unique and deep biocultural connection with local communities that have helped fuel a community-driven movement to return water to streams and to combat invasive aquatic species. Many communities leading the charge are native Hawaiian communities and communities in rural and underserved areas. Given the central motivating role native stream organisms play in these efforts, local communities are eager to collect ecological data to inform their conservation and restoration efforts and to create baselines for future actions. Within this space, my research and outreach interests come together. In this presentation, I will give an overview of my research and outreach efforts, including highlights from past work exploring linkages between coastal ecosystems and streams, impacts of flow restoration, and supporting efforts to reconnect communities and streams. Additionally, I will highlight my recent experience as a resource manager with the USFWS, engaging with university researchers to co-produce information and tools to achieve meaningful results, and reflect on the lessons that I have learned through these interactions. Finally, I will present some ideas for future directions for my combined research, community engagement, and outreach program with the WRRC.

Event Sponsor
WRRC, Mānoa Campus

More Information
Zhiyue Wang, 956-7298, Zhiyue@hawaii.edu

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