Brown Bag Biography with Christina Lee
April 18, 12:00pm - 1:15pmMānoa Campus, Kuykendall 410

The Center for Biographical Research presents: / “‘Kill Your Darlings’: Reimagining a Space for Agency in Autofiction”/ Christina Nakyong Lee, PhD student, Department of English, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa / The Fibonacci sequence, visually a spiral, is the only sequence in nature that represents infinity. Certain species of orchids organize their petals into the Fibonacci sequence as an evolutionary trait to soak in the most sunlight. In her presentation, Biography Prize winner Christina Lee will read excerpts from her work of autofiction “Kill Your Darlings” and reflect on how fragmentation and the spiral narrative structure can reimagine a story of trauma as a story of survival and agency. / Christina Lee is a PhD student with a focus in Creative Writing in the English Department at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa. Her research interests include contemporary life writing studies, trauma narratives, and Asian American Literature. / Cosponsored by Hamilton Library, the Center for Oral History, Conflict and Peace Specialist, and the Departments of American Studies, English, Ethnic Studies, History, Political Science, and Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies / Thursday, April 18 / Kuykendall 410 / 12PM to 1:15PM HST
Event Sponsor
Center for Biographical Research, Mānoa Campus
More Information
(808) 956-3774