Community Dialogues, “Life Story Sharing” with Yumi Saito
September 12, 10:30am - 11:45amMānoa Campus, Online

Community Dialogues, ----------------- These are facilitated sessions where you can engage with peers from diverse backgrounds. People who participate in the Community Dialogues program will be able to: 1) Identify important aspects of their personal backgrounds, 2) Articulate the value of understanding different perspectives, 3) Describe and demonstrate principles of positive social engagement in communication, and 4) Understand about being responsible members of the Community. ----------------- “Life Story Sharing” with Yumi Saito -------------- Session: Sharing your life story with someone is a powerful and enriching experience. In this event, we discuss the benefits of life story sharing, how to create a safe space for community members, and practice sharing participants' life stories with respect and appreciation. ---------- Speaker: Yumi Saito is enrolled in the Spark M. Matsunaga Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution and the Department of Educational Foundations at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa. She teaches multicultural education as a lecturer and is involved in multiple projects, including nuclear abolition and disarmament, to enhance the culture of peace through learning and open-hearted dialogue in local, national, and global communities. Area of focus on Culture of Peace, Nuclear Abolition and Disarmament Education, Community Dialogues --------- Sponsored by the Conflict and Peace Specialist
Event Sponsor
Conflict and Peace Specialist, Mānoa Campus
More Information
Jose Barzola, 8089562690,,
Thursday, September 12 |
9:00am |
DSS "Deep Dives" Professional Development Series Mānoa Campus, 2400 Campus Road, QLCSS 409
9:00am |
Community Dialogues, “Life Story Sharing” with Yumi Saito Mānoa Campus, Agricultural Engineering Institute, Room 114
10:30am |
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10:30am |
Community Dialogues, “Life Story Sharing” with Yumi Saito Mānoa Campus, Online
12:00pm |
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1:30pm |
Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) Hybrid Information Session Mānoa Campus, Moore Hall, Room 104/ 1890 East-West Rd, Honolulu, HI 96822
3:00pm |
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4:00pm |
Pre-Health Orientation Mānoa Campus, Online/via Zoom
5:00pm |
Game Night at Hamilton Library Mānoa Campus, Hamilton Library